93 2. In-Field Coaching I hear some managers refer to in-field ‘days,’ but I prefer to use in-field ‘coaching,’ as a reminder of what these calls are meant to be: coaching op- portunities based on your observations in-field. These aren’t the 4-legged calls managers some- times are asked to attend for tough negotiations, creative problem solving, or other situations where seniority may be necessary. These calls are focused on how you can help your salesper- son perform better on calls. Great salespeople always want to improve. When you can site spe- cific behaviors that you notice as opportunities for improvement, it’s appreciated when given the right way. This leads me to my next recommen- dation... 3. Positive Feedback Our VP of Talent Services, Beth Sunshine, teaches the fundamentals on the impact of positive feed- back, and how to use it in constructive coaching. In a recent Talent Focused Management work- shop, she gave a room of managers something to think about when giving positive feedback; mul- tiple pieces of positive feedback makes individu- als more receptive to coaching around their chal- lenges. Also, things like being timely and specific with your feedback will let your high-performing salespeople know you genuinely care. 4. Training Yup! Superstar sellers love great sales training. And not the philosophical kind of sales training, but they crave tactics they can apply and prac- tice that truly sets them apart from the rest and accelerates their sales process. I’ve heard story after story about how high-performing salespeo- ple feel like great sales training is a company’s way of investing in their success. Offering excel- lent training on a regular basis is a great retention tool, as well. There are going to be times when a sales manager finds themselves in scenarios they don't want to be in, and also times where they are comfortable and content with where they (and their team) are. When you're in a situation where you have one (or a few) superstar sellers on your team, that's not the time to sit back and get comfort- able. Be proactive in retaining your top talent by activating these four actions of highly successful sales managers who retain their top performers and ensure you are intentional with your efforts towards your most valuable salespeople. Kim Alexandre VP/Senior Consultant The Center for Sales Strategy