63 Tanya had worked with this manager a few years back and she was one of his best performers. He was excited when she decided to join the team as he knew of her solid potential. He remembered her take charge style, natural ability to build trust and her ability to ask for the order. Her enthusi- asm was contagious and she built strong relation- ships easily. A few months in, Joe realized that Tanya seemed to have lost her way. She was trying but not get- ting anywhere and her business was suffering. Joe recognized the change in his seller and de- cided she would be a good candidate for spring- board coaching. She had the natural talent, but without some coaching it was not being utilized. Joe spent time with me to discuss her Talent As- sessment and we highlighted some of her Influ- ence Themes. We discussed the importance of giving her the opportunity to further enhance her selling skills. She was stuck in her ways coast- ing along with transactional business. She des- perately needed help jump starting her new business development efforts. I set up some time with Tanya and we identified her current set- backs. She hated cold calling and had a hard time coming up with ideas. This was a classic case of a seasoned seller who was stuck in a rut. She was way too focused on product pushing instead of being customer fo- cused. She was not using her natural talents and that was limiting her full potential. Alysa Hinshaw Senior Coach The Center for Sales Strategy Over a 4 month period, Joe, Tanya and I worked closely to reignite the flame. We worked togeth- er to identify high potential prospects, develop Valid Business Reasons and brainstorm ideas to help her generate new business. Tanya was rein- vigorated and the natural talents kicked into high gear once she was being coached. She became more customer focused and because she is natu- rally persuasive, she began moving prospects to the right solutions faster. Joe did a great job of supporting Tanya and encouraging her at every turn. Tanya transformed! Fast forward 4 months later and Tanya had closed $300,000 in new busi- ness and was able to reinvent herself after 15 years in the industry. *All names have been changed.