65 other survey after six months to see how the strategies put in place came to life in the candi- date’s day to day interactions. The manager in this case had enormous talent on her PCMI, but after the first survey, we were able to assess that her innate people acumen tal- ents were not coming through in her interactions with many of the people surveyed. Her strong Exactness and Business Thinking were definitely recognized in the survey. It was easy to surmise that her other strong talents where completely overshadowing people acumen. But the people acumen talents were the talents that she would need to bring the team along with her. Her goal at the end of the first survey was to increase her people acumen scores, specifically her Positivity and Relationship scores. Mindy worked with this manager to put togeth- er some specific strategies and goals to bring her strong people acumen talents to the forefront. She was committed to improving and over the course of several months, Mindy and the can- didate worked very closely to review, refine and reestablish goals along the way. Then a second survey was given to the same group as before. And the result? • There are 13 talent themes on the PCMI. This candidate increased her survey ratings in 12 out of the 13 talent themes (the one that didn’t increase, stayed the same). • The candidate increased her percentage of positive ratings in her top six talents. • She increased her overall positive ratings by 13%. • She also achieved her goal to increase her overall scores in Positivity and Relationship. When asked what the candidate learned from Talent Insights? “The importance of the little wins, the small things, that over time can make a huge difference on my working relationships. Additionally, I rec- ognize that for all the technical skills I exceed at, I can’t be a positive influence unless I have strong relationships, personally and professionally, with my peers. It’s an obvious connection, but some- times you forget to make it happen when you’re in the job and just trying to accomplish goals. When asked how Talent Insight has helped de- veloped her as a manager? “I definitely recognize, even more than ever, that humility is absolutely necessary for any leader to be successful. As much as I want to plow through change and grow our business quickly, I under- stand that not everyone operates at the same pace. The Talent Insights program really helped me to hone-in on the science of interpersonal re- lationships, because someone would rather fol- low a person who cares for them as an individu- al, rather than someone who is focused only on the end goal.” Emily Estey VP/Senior Consultant The Center for Sales Strategy