57 Additional Questions These talent theme-related questions will allow you to probe more deeply once you re- ceive a candidate's talent assessment results. While the graph will give you the intensity level of a talent, these additional questions will allow you to get a sense from the candi- date of what their strengths and weaknesses will likely "look like" on the job. Job Analysis and Spec Sheet It’s much easier to select the perfect person for the job if you have already determined exactly what you need for excellence in the role! Before embarking on your search, you probably completed the Job Analysis and Specification Sheet to establish the specific talents, skills, and experiences that were non-negotiable for this hire. At the time of selec- tion you are able to look at each candidate through that lens so you can ensure you hold out for exactly what you need. Team Composites When selecting the right person for the job, it is critical to consider talent, fit, and experi- ence. Often it is helpful to look at the talent intensities of the team as a whole, recognizing areas of common strengths and weakness so you can ensure that your new hire has the right talent fit. Sales Roleplay Interview Making a hiring decision is tough. You will do a better job armed with more information. The Sales Roleplay Interview, conducted by a trained CSS professional, allows you to see the candidate in a selling environment - before you make the hire. It begins with provid- ing the candidate a well-thought-out scenario, clear expectations, an easy-to-follow prep guide, and an example of what excellence looks like so they can perform at their best. The Sales Roleplay Interview, conducted using a shared screen format, allows us to provide your candidate with strong feedback and coaching so we can measure coachability and improvement. A full report, detailed recap, and specific recommendations are sent to the hiring manger within 24 hours.