98 Coaching Reminders Once you have identified the Priority Strategies for each one of your direct reports, you can use the Coaching Reminders feature to schedule handy reminders. While you may not need a reminder for every Priority Strategy you establish, you’ll certainly find it helpful for some. This system makes it easy to schedule a regular text message or email reminder so that you get the prompt at just the right time and nothing ever falls through the cracks. Talent Dashboard Reports The Talent Dashboard provides a variety of features and reports that allow you to stay on top of everything you need to do to develop your staff and maintain strong engagement. Run a Team Composite to ensure you understand the areas of strength shared by most of your people so you can actively engage them as a team. Keep track of all the Priority Strategies you have set for your group and take note of the work you have done to build relationships via updated Individualized Management Questionnaires.