49 G iving your new hire detailed feedback on their talents is one of the best ways to set them up for success. This con- versation can be very meaningful and will arm them with specific information about their potential and how they can maximize their strengths in their new role. Knowing Your Own Strengths Having a good understanding of your own strengths allows you to focus on them and practice using them. If you know you’re naturally good at something, you can put more time, energy and effort into developing that natural ability. The Online Sales Talent Interview is unique in that it doesn’t just accurately predict success in sales. It also provides managers with the information they need to coach their sellers to maximize their strengths and increase performance. If you have not received feedback on your own talents, just imagine how valuable it would be if you started a new career and within the first few weeks on the job your manager or a Talent Analyst scheduled time with you to provide you with feedback on your top talents - the areas where you have the potential for greatness. As someone who has received detailed talent feedback, I can tell you it not only boosts your confidence, it allows you to focus on what you do well and begin developing your strengths right away. CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGY BLOG Set your New Hires Up for Success: Up Their Game with Detailed Talent Feedback by Mindy Murphy