17 Your best sources If you are not already consistently asking for referrals, you might want to enhance your recruitment efforts by reaching out to peo- ple you know. Consider everyone who could serve as a resource for good referrals and create a list. People who are well-connected, natural networkers who know a lot of sales- people should be on your list. Not sure who to reach out to? This should help! All referrals are not made equal. Our re- search shows that some referrals are more powerful, and more likely to result in a su- perstar hire. Here are the top 5 ways managers found superstars through referrals: 1. Other Sales Managers 2. Current Employees 3. Networking Connections 4. Clients 5. Former Employees The secret weapon Once you compile your list of people to reach out to, the next step is to ask the right questions. Using the Nominator System can help you do just that. The Nominator Sys- tem provides you with a list of questions for each sales talent that you can ask people when looking for referrals. So once you nail- down your short list of “must have” talents, you can ask the right questions to find those specific behaviors. It makes fishing for talent much easier!