75 • She loves praise in an email, but finds it even more mo- tivating when it is given to her in a group setting. • She is motivated by money so she can take care of her child. • She thrives in a team environment and loves contest- ing. • She needs structure in her day and wants consistent help from her manager. Now we were getting somewhere! Taking what we learned about her natural talents in the Online Sales Talent Interview and combining that with what we discovered in her Individualized Management Questionnaire, we developed Priority Coaching Strategies designed just for her. We got our happy ending. Sally did not leave and is now performing well and feeling great! Best practice: Don’t wait until there is an issue. Under- stand the unique strengths and weaknesses of each per- son you manage, Conduct an Individualized Management Questionnaire for greater insight, and watch your people thrive like Sally is now. Happy coaching! “I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum capabilities.” -Bob Nardelli, CEO Home Depot Stephanie Downs Partner, VP Senior Consultant The Center for Sales Strategy