• How do you feel when you’re not in charge? Someone who answers “I don’t like it!” may naturally take charge with clients and move the process forward easier than someone who answers “It depends on the situation….” Ask open-ended questions like “Tell me about the best sale you ever made.” Listen for a spe- cific answer. Was it a large sale? Small sale? Were they persistent? Did they help the client and deliver results? Listen for the talents that may bubble up in their answers. Asking the right questions can also help you determine fit. For example, if you need someone who will fit in with the team and fit your style as a manag- er, you can ask questions like: • What qualities in your co-workers do you appreciate the most? • What qualities in your co-workers bother you the most? • Are you a team player? How? • What are the qualities of a good leader? A bad leader? 2. Look and listen for talents. You can recognize talents even when you are not asking questions. Do you know some- one who walks fast, checks his or her watch, has a strong sense of urgency, and gets a lot done? You could probably count on this per- son to work hard, bring a lot of energy to the office, and be highly productive. Have you in- terviewed someone who showed up early and appeared to be very buttoned up, polished, and prepared for the interview? Did this per- son seem to be a perfectionist and place em- phasis on doing the job correctly? This candi- date may have strong organizational skills and have a talent for planning. Take notes on the talents you are picking up even when the can- didate is not answering your questions. 3. Schedule multiple face-to-face interviews. You might consider meeting with candidates more than once. If possible, get out of the building for one of the interviews and have lunch or coffee to see how the individual inter- acts with and treats others. 4. Include others. Ask other team members to meet with can- didates and compare notes with them. Make sure they know exactly what characteristics you are looking for. This will give you another perspective and help you make sure the candi- date is the right fit for the team. 5. Use a talent interview. One of the most important steps is to have the candidate complete a talent assessment. Dif- ferent from a personality test, a sales talent as- sessment will help you make smart hiring de- cisions and develop the people you decide to hire by uncovering the intensity level of each talent that is critical to success in the role. Un- derstanding the candidates natural talents and abilities and the weaknesses that might get in their way allows you to hire the right person for the role. If you put in some extra work in the interview phase, you’ll save yourself from the many head- aches that come with hiring the wrong person. Mindy Murphy Senior Talent Analyst The Center for Sales Strategy