73 the promotion to the CSS Manager Insight program. Thank you!" Here’s what his manager said: “A program like this is only successful if the participant has complete buy-in and he certainly has that. It is reflected in his survey results and also in the changes and improvements I am seeing across my entire department. He is turning good areas into great areas through this training. "There are two other aspects that have been extremely valuable. First, having him identi- fy Account Executives to groom for advance- ment has had far-reaching and positive ef- fects. We have put together development plans for three of our Account Executives, given them ownership of certain initiatives, and have had them lead sales meetings. This has increased engagement in our depart- ment and having everyone take a leadership role has made the team better. "The other aspect that has been valuable has been having him develop a mentor-type rela- tionship with a local successful head coach. Overall this has been a great program for him to participate in and has helped him grow as a manager while making our sales team more effective.” Stephanie Downs Partner, VP Senior Consultant The Center for Sales Strategy