77 learn by seeing presentations/ demonstrations, and others learn by reading it, etc. Me? I remember what I read. Let me read it, try it. I’ll ask questions if I don’t get something." Another factor often mentioned by our re- spondentsistheamountoftimecommittedto the onboarding process. Not everyone learns atthesamepace,especiallyifthey’rerequired to learn material in a way that doesn’t come naturally to them. Giving new hires enough time to process their training and responsibil- ities is critical to their early success. Is Customization Required? It may seem like customized onboarding can be difficult to scale, but you need to remem- ber that every salesperson is different. They have different backgrounds, utilize different skills,andoffer different potentialto thecom- pany. If onboarding is intended to integrate them into your company in general and your sales team in particular, then understanding how they learn differently and optimizing the onboarding to the way they learn best is go- ing to yield the best results. "Understand the learning style of the Rep and adjust the teaching to it. For example, some learn by doing, some