85 I f you have ever worked with me you know I am a sucker for strong feedback and coach- ing. Here’s why. People are the foundation of any sales organi- zation and if the people don’t grow, the orga- nization can’t either. One of the very best ways to grow people is to provide them with strong, consistent, and targeted feedback so they can adjust their style, adapt their approach, and turn their talent into performance. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to work with an exceptional manager whose secret weapon for growing people is effec- tive feedback. His genuine caring combined with his never-miss-a-thing insight can be life-changing for those who work for him. I was anxious to better understand what he did so naturally, and most others struggled to do at all, so I pummeled him with questions. And he let me in on his secret. CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGY BLOG Using Radical Candor to Drive Sales Performance and Grow People by Beth Sunshine