91 I know about coaching. W hen my twin daughters were learning to drive, I spent countless hours working with them as they practiced behind the wheel. I owed it to all of you to do my job well! On my quest to mold them into great drivers, I learned one certain truth: this kind of coach- ing can only be accomplished from inside a moving vehicle. You cannot teach someone how to drive a car by handing them a book, suggesting an informative video, or lecturing them on safe driving techniques. (The same is true for sales, but more on that later…) Our learn-to-drive boot camp did begin with some classroom-style learning. The girls read the information booklet provided by the De- partment of Motor Vehicles from cover to cover and they attended formal driver’s ed- ucation classes to ensure they obtained the knowledge required to pass their written exam. They squeaked by on that exam which then earned them a driver’s permit so they could legally join the rest of us on the road as long as they have a family member in the car. Me. CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGY BLOG 8 Steps to Improve Your In-Field Coaching by Matt Sunshine