8 Denise Daniels, GSM at KPTV/KPDX, Portland, OR NominatedbyAdrienneRoark,VicePresidentandGeneralManager with Meredith Corporation who shared, “Denise is phenomenal at buildingateamofhighlytalentedpeople.Shedoesthisfromaposition of Culture. She defines the culture she wants first, then specifically looks for talent that fits the culture. Denise takes her time recruiting and hiring. She does not simply fill a position, but rather goes out and finds the best person for the team. She hires character and potential, not just a resume. Once she finds the right person, she then has a strongsystemtointegratethatpersonintotheteamculture.Shedoes thisbyimmersingthepersonintheculturewithothermembersofthe team. She also is relentless about training. This is built into every sales meeting every week.” When asked about how Denise has used her super powers to save the day, Adrienne explained, “Denise has literally “saved the day” on numerous occasions. She has hired the top people in the market, which has resulted in building the best team in the market. She has repaired badly damaged relationshipswithclients,resultinginnewbusinessandhigherrevenue.Shehasbuiltnewrelationships with members of the community that have helped the station’s position in the market.” Elizabeth Bond, Sales Manager at KHOU-TV, Houston, TX Nominated by Sonya Vallamagna Hamilton, Sales Manager at KHOU-TV who told us, “Elizabeth goes out of her way to clear her schedule and makes time with her team a top priority. Whether it is for sales planning, following up or helping her fellow managers, Elizabeth is always making herself available to be a resource. She is currently managing two teams while another manager is out on maternity leave and has been so helpful to me as a new manager.” Sonya went on to explain that Elizabeth has saved the day for her team and her organization on more than one occasion because she is “a creative and strategic thinker who truly believes in growing sales people and Account Mangers whether they are on her team or not.”