6 We are thrilled to announce this year’s Tal- ent Superhero Award winners! The nominations we received were extraor- dinarily strong, which made our job of deter- mining the worthiest warriors exceedingly difficult. After a significant struggle for truth, justice, and the talent focused management way, we are now ready to announce our 11 Talent Superheroes for 2017. What is a Talent Superhero? Many believe they are the world’s mightiest mortals. A Talent Superhero does more than leap tall buildings in a single bound. These crusad- ers can be seen Recruiting, Selecting, Devel- oping, and Retaining top performers in their markets every day! They fight to find sales superstars innocent- ly roaming the market and they bring them onboard before they become overpowered by the competition. Then they use their se- lection powers to safely deliver those star sellers into the right jobs for their unique abilities. These management marvels also use their super coaching strength to devel- op each person on their team, often grow- ing them as much as ten times and increas- ing performance of the entire organization! And they don’t stop there. These epic talent champions retain their top sellers, working with them to ensure they are continual- ly soaring up, up and away in their careers, guiding them to success, prosperity and hap- piness, and never letting them stray far from the protection of the team or fall prey to the evil villains hoping to snatch them away. These Talent Superheroes have great power when it comes to finding, hiring, growing, and retaining top talent. Today we recognize them for their strength and service and we remind them that, with great power comes great responsibility! How Can These Defenders of Talent Help Save the Day for YOU? They are beacons of light, leading the way to strength management success… but these outstanding managers who possess extraor- dinary powers are only mere mortals at heart. They have mastered their talent universe by creating strong processes to follow and then sticking to their plans for success. This may help you discover that you have a talent superhero within you as well! Their stories may inspire you to build a strong talent bank, even when you don’t have an open position. Or they might motivate you to hold out for top talent, even when you are in a hurry to hire. These winners may also encourage you to consider one addition- al way that you can focus on an individual’s strengths to grow and challenge them over time. Or these accounts could challenge you to consider something specific you can do this year to ensure you are retaining your top performers. What superpower can YOU use this year? Congratulations to the following Talent Super- hero Award winners (in alphabetical order): 2017 TALENT SUPERHERO AWARDS