48 Selection Case Study #1 _____________________________________________________________ Smart Selection Saves Money… and Lots of It G etting the right people in the right seats, right off the bat not only saves a lot of headaches for the managers we work with, but can have a huge impact on the overall cash flow of an organization. Our talent team worked with one client who used us in some markets - but not all. They could have saved almost nine million dollars if they had. Let’s go to the numbers. • The markets that used our Talent Assess- ment had a 91% retention rate in 2017. • The markets that didn’t use our Talent As- sessment had a 76% retention in 2017. • In total, this organization has 787 sales people. • If they had a 76% retention rate in all mar- kets they would keep 598 people and turn over 189 people. • If they had a 91% retention rate in all markets they would keep 716 people and turn over 71 people. The difference in the amount of people turned over is 118 total people (189-71). • If the average seller makes $50,000 per year and the average cost of turnover is 1.5 times annual compensation, then each seller turned over cost the organization $75,000. Emily Estey VP/Senior Consultant The Center for Sales Strategy • If they had used the Online Sales Talent In- terview in ALL of their markets, they could have saved approximately $8.8 million dol- lars (118 x 75k = $8,850,000.) Those are big numbers but let's look at the same logic with a sales staff of only 10 people. • At 76% retention, you keep 7 people and turnover 3. • At 91% you retain 9 and turnover one 1 person. • The difference is 2 people and at $75,000 per person per that’s a savings of $150,000. Using the Online Sales Talent Interview is a win-win for the organizations we work with. Determining sales talent is a good indicator that someone will stay in their job because if they have the talent to sell, it means they re- ally enjoy what they do which results in them staying in their job, hence reducing turnover and saving you...money. Win-win.