b"The Facts You Need on RecruitmentSpread the word.Culture matters! Encourage your current Companies with a strong culture are targetedemployees to spread the word on by 94% of job-seekers while 15% of job- social media. Messages shared seekers report turning down a job becauseby employees went 561% further they didn't like the company culture.than the same message shared on a brand-owned channel.Your employees are your best recruiters!The candidate44.5% of respondents felt more likely to apply for a job if experiencesomeone they knew shared the information with them.matters!72% ofGet personal! candidatesSneak peek. 50% of candidates feel its have shared a57% of candidatesimportant that they receive bad experiencewant to know whatpersonalized messages online or withits like to work atfrom prospective employers someoneyour company beforerather than form letters.directly. ever engaging with you. Consider how you can use video toMission matters! show them!Are you clear on your Don't beatcompany mission and around thebroadcasting it to applicants? bush!79% of adults would consider Change theira companys mission before Salaryapplying for a job!transparency isminds.one of the topAccording to Deloitte, reasons talentedalmost 90% ofGender differences.candidates willcandidates say that engage with aa positive interviewMen apply to jobs when company thatexperience has thethey have about 30% of the reaches outpower to change theirrequired qualifications, and about an openminds about a job. women apply when they position. have about 80%.Sources: Culture Amp, Jobvite, The Aberdeen Group, Sociabble, CareerArc, Hired, Culture Amp, Human Resources Today, Atlassian, Glassdoor19"