b'TCHEEN CTEERN TFEORRFSOARL ESSA SLETRS ASTTERGAYT EBGLYOG4 Ways to Find Great Salespeopleby Trey MorrisS ales managers in every market say the sameIf you keep recruiting from your competition, then thing finding great salespeople is hard. Weyoure going to get the same kind of results over empathize, but of course, it is! Salespeople areand over again. often really good at selling themselves, and when you do hire, it takes six months to a year to knowTo improve your chances of identifying candidates whether you made the right decision. who possess the skills necessary for the long-term success in your company, its essential that you look This is one reason you must develop a plan and ex- in different places for different skills and talents.ecute that plan at all times. Managers often reach out to us looking for creative ways to recruit peopleWouldn\'t it be great if you could find untapped tal-to their companies. Unfortunately, most wait untilent superstars that you could train "your way"? You they\'re in need. If you\'re waiting for an opening oncan!your staff to begin recruiting salespeople for your talent bank, it\'s too late! 4 Tips to Identify the Sales Recruit Sales Talent All the TimeTalent You NeedIts easy to grow frustrated while looking for talent. Being prepared allows you to have choices in mak- Finding the right kind of talent is about looking for ing hiring decisions and not feel obligated or rushedthat little something extra potential in candidates. to hire the first person that walks through the door.Someonewhohastheexperience,butalsostill Making recruiting part of your daily or weekly rou- have motivation and the drive for success.tine will help you prepare and allow you to build a powerhouse sales team. In the last few months, we\'ve spoken with clients who\'vefoundsuperstartalentinsomeunusual You have to be recruiting ALL the time, and creativ- places. From observation, these are the four tips ity is a must! You have to recruit from outside ofwe recommend to help discover talent in the right your sandbox when building a strong talent bank.places.36'