b'examples. If there are no samples to show, be very wary. If there are, do they measure up the stan-dards you expect in your operation?Consensus Opinion (15 minutes)Two heads are better than one and three heads mightevenbebetter.Ifthereareothersales managers available have them spend some time with your candidates and get their perspectives. Or, perhaps you have the candidates spend some timewithamanagerfromanotherdepartment with which they will interact regularly. An expe-rienced salesperson on your staff might also be a good person to involve. Sharing your Job Analysis and Spec Sheet will be helpful here so the oth-ers weighing in can make their own observations about whichcandidate fits the opening you have. Decision Time (10 minutes)So, now you have a lot of information about your slateofcandidatesandyoucaneasilycompare that to the blueprint you created for the particular opening and decide which candidate is the ideal fit. This is usually the most difficult and time-con-suming step in the process (and the scariest, as you cross your fingers). But, now, the choice should be pretty easy, and you should feel much more con-fident that you have made a quality decision that will result in retention and performance.So, there are your two hoursthe best compen-sated two hours of your life. The only question is will you put in those two hours? Its your call, but now I bet you know the answer. Jim HopesManaging Partner The Center for Sales Strategy62'