b'Other things that bring a group together are com- Create a shared experience that will have a pos-mon beliefs, mutual interests, a common language,itive impact and create group memories. That and shared experiences. Companies that recognizecould be a team-building activity, a picnic that the importance of tribalism create a sense of be- includes families, an annual evening of recogni-longing among their people that becomes the gluetion, or an inspirational speaker.thatholdsthemtogetherandthosecompaniesIs there an easy-to-read, but powerful book, like have a distinct advantage in the marketplace. The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon, that everyone Doesyourcompanyhaveanopportunitytodocan read and discuss? Reading a common book more here? Could you create a stronger sense ofprovides a group with a common language, sets purpose and belonging?thetone,andallowsforlotsofextensionex-ercises like establishing a weekly "Energy Bus" award.Consider Doing One of theSeek a way to honor the common interests of your people and increase their sense of purpose Following: by donating time and money, together, to make Do you have core values that your people know,a difference in the community.believe in, and share? If not, consider identifyingThesearejustafewwaysyoucancontinueto a few that clearly define how you do businessstrengthen the bonds that hold your team together. there. Our companys core values are Quality,Identify one that will take your group from team to Responsiveness, and Integrity. Not only do wetribe, commit to focusing time and attention on it, know that, but we live it every day. We recog- and Up Your Culture!nize those who exhibit those qualities and use those words, thanking people for their respon-siveness or celebrating work that is high quality.Is there a tangible item you can give everyone to wear or display that symbolizes the fact they are on a team? Like a team that wears the same uniform, when people all have the same gear, they feel a part of something. Personalized cof-fee cups or tumblers, t-shirts, or meaningful pins can give that team feeling.Beth SunshinePartner, VP Talent Services The Center for Sales Strategy119'