b'TCHEEN TCEERN FTOERRFSOARLE SSA SLTERS ASTTERGAYT EBGLOY GWould You Work Two Hours toEarn $150,000?by Jim HopesI thinkIknowyouranswer.Thisisnotatrick2 .The two hours is about the total time you would question, though. The question is real based oninvest to screen their talent, spec out the open-several decades of working with managers anding you have, make sure the fit is right, check-executives and seeing them struggle to fill opening references, live interviewing, and then clos-positions, make the right selections for each job,ing the deal.and try to keep their salespeople on staff in whomThe problem is too many managers shortcut these they have already invested quite a bit. processes because they are busy. One of the rea-The $150,000 number and the two hours comesons the managers are so busy is they are trying to from two simple pieces of math: shore up business because salespeople are not as productive as they need to be and some of them 1 .Most industry experts agree that the cost ofare leaving. Soon, the cycle is endless.turnover is about 1times annual salary, es- So,whatdoyoudoduringthosetwo$75,000 pecially for salespeople who you have trained,hours? Heres a simple guide to make those hours coached,andsupportedwithaguaranteeinproductive and your life a lot easier:the first year. If the average newly-hired sales-personistargetedtomake$100,000,onea half times is the $150,000 lost if they leave or you have to terminate them.60'