b"Other Resources That Areexchange ideas and advice on how to overcome ob-jections and conversation stoppers, how to approach Helpful to Your New Hire different types of prospects and clients, and how to Beyond the basics, what else does a new hire need? organize themselves, their calls and their notes.A guide to processes. The Biggest Obstacle to NewhiresoftenstruggletomasterthevariousOnboardingprocesses necessary to do their job. Some people learn faster than others, and its important to take into consideration a new hires learning style. WhenDon't drop the ball on creating their onboarding and training plan, this willonboarding! 30% of job seekers assist in tailoring the plan to each new hire.Often, having the hire create a checklist for how to use ahave left a job within 90 days of particular program is helpful. Show them how thestarting.process works, have them take detailed notes, and then have them work off their notes and see if theyIn a perfect world, youre hiring to enhance your captured that process. team rather than to fill a hole. But in the real world, At Townsquare, Matt Kiger explains that, All of ouryou likely need your new hire to hit the ground run-expectations are set during Townsquare University.ning. You may feel you dont have time for elabo-In Day 1 of Townsquare University, all expectationsrate Pre-boarding and Onboarding. So how can you arepresentedandcontinuouslyre-emphasizedcreate a wonderful experience for your new hire throughout the training process. This way, our im- while keeping up with your other commitments?portant KPIs, metrics, expectations are clear andSuccessful managers all have one thing in common addressed head on.when it comes to their onboarding strategies. Delega-tion. Assigning a designated mentor is one example of Clear goals. delegating onboarding tasks to team members. Hav-When asked how their onboarding is going, manying tech support set up everything in advance is an-new hires reply with, I think its ok, but Im not sureother. Even the use of videos during the pre-boarding what my manager would say. New hires tend to beprocess will make onboarding more efficient, while insecure at the best of times, so when onboardingstill helping the new hire feel welcome and supported. and training goals are unclear, they dont know howThetimeandeffortdedicatedtoOnboarding,is tomeasuretheirperformance.JaynaAndersonwellworththeinvestment.OurTalentTeamhas advises companies to, Keep a solid cadence fromexperience with companies with varying onboard-the very start. Set expectations right up front foring strategies. When we compare the responses of the new hire, but from there, do weekly check-ins,new hires who had a strong onboarding process to quarterly check-ins, set individual goals, provide re- those with little or no onboarding, the difference sources to achieve those goals. You will help youris startling. New hires who were thrown in with lit-new hires by setting 30/60/90/120-day goals in thetle training used the word frustrating most often.firsttwoweeks.Setexpectations,helpthemtoTheywereconfusedonexpectations,stressed break down goals into achievable steps and makeby a first day where they were told to come find sure they know their managers door is always open. their manager and often felt that they were not prepared to get out there and sell. Those who had In-Field Coaching. strongonboardingfeltembracedbytheirnew team, knew what to expect, and were impatient to Its never too early to get your new hires acclimatedget out there and sell because they felt ready. Hav-to how your organization conducts calls. Set up timeing a well-supported and prepared team from the for them to go on calls with a variety of sellers andstart can impact overall performance. 76"