b'SELECTION C A SE STUDYThe Selection Lessons from a Fortune 1000 CompanyA saManagingPartneratTheCenterforBefore I tell you the rest of the story, lets step Sales Strategy, I am often called on to helpback and consider the many things you need to fo-ourclientsstudydatatheyhaveacrosscus on during the hiring process. We believe that their entire company, to make discoveries that canyou need to focus on Talent, Skills, and Experience help each individual business unit. to make the right selection. Heres how we define One of those recent discoveries came from a cli- each:ent that is a Fortune 1000 company. This compa- Talent: Your natural ability or innate behavior. ny did a three-year study from 2017-2019 focusedSkills: What you have learned to do well.specificallyontheimportanceofsalestalentin the hiring process. Experience: How you develop your skills and reach your talent potential.48'