b"7.More companies will establish reverse mentoring programs that pair a junior team member with someone more senior to the company. These professional partnerships will allow each to exchange their diverse set of skills, knowledge and understanding and ultimately improve their ability to connect with potential clients or customers.8.Peer-to-peer learning, often called buddy programs, will continue to gain steam as a great way to quickly onboard and develop a new employee. Studies show that most people prefer learning from someone who performs the same job every day. More companies will incorporate peer-to-peer learning into the development of new employees because it can take place in both a formal and informal organizational setting and both peers benefit. In a recent study, 91% of sales reps agreed that they prefer learning from peers who are in the field every day.9.Much of today's excitement around augmented reality and virtual reality is centered around gaming, but these technologies will have a larger, lasting impact on Learning and Development in the near future. A recent Capterra survey on top tech trends found as many as 46% of U.S. small and medium-sized businesses are looking into leveraging VR in the next two years.10. More than ever before, companies will invest in the individual growth of their employees. They will strive to understand each persons unique talents and interests and offer tailored opportuni-ties to develop their abilities in those areas.73"