b'1. Look around 3. It\'s a numbers gameYouareinteractingwithdozens,hundreds,evenWhether you\'ve thought about it or not, recruiting thousands of people during your daily life. Whenis just like sales. It\'s a numbers game.To find su-youre having lunch at your favorite restaurant, haveperstar salespeople, you have to constantly look for you ever considered the waiters or bartenders whothe proverbial "needle in a haystack." For every 100 are outgoing or super positive? When you are buy- people that you might speak with, you might find 5 ing a new car, furniture, or home, are you lookingsuperstars. Your talent bank should be filled to the for talented salespeople? In order to fill your talentbrim with potential candidates. So, if youre going bank, these are observations you should make, andto hire 5 salespeople this year, you will need to add questions you should ask yourself in your everyday2 people a week, every week to find 5 superstars.life. These are opportunities to find pure sales tal-ent that you can train the way that you want with- 4. Recruit all the timeout all of those bad habits. Werepeatedlytellthistoeveryclient,prospect, 2. Pass out your card sales manager, and salespersonrecruit all the time! You should be adding people to your talent Not your business card, but rather a card with abank every single week. You should be interviewing link to your talent assessment. If youre a currentpeople every week even when you don\'t have any client of The Center for Sales Strategy (CSS), thenopenings. Because when you do have an opening, you have a bulk link to your OSTI assessment. Youand you will, you\'ll be ready to make a move.have unlimited use of ituse it! There are severalMany leaders find the talent pool limited, so its im-clients that have created shortened URLs usingperative to consider alternate sources and recruit-Bitly for their bulk link so that it\'s easy to printing methods. These tips are designed to help sales on a card. Anytime you run into someone thatmanagerstesttheviabilityofhiringcandidates interests you, you can ask them if they have everfrom other industries.considered a career in B2B sales. Hand them your card, and who knows? Maybe you just found yourEven great sports teams are constantly on the look-next superstar seller. out for superstar talent to keep their benches strong and successful.Its time for you to go out and find strong talent. One day you\'re going to need it!Trey MorrisSenior Consultant The Center for Sales Strategy37'