b"The Facts You Need on DevelopmentChunk it!Games grow us.Have you used gamification toAre you losing your audience during training motivate your employees? 90% reportsessions? Research reveals that 90-minute they are more productive, and 72%chunks of time are optimal for focus, so break your tasks and meetings down into say it inspires them to work harder. 90-minute blocks with breaks in between.Is burnout real? Do your employees67% of employees feel that way sometimes or often at work, but you know yourcan reduce the chance of that happening by 70% by simply making Companythem feel supported.Mission?66% ofDon't assume!employees sayConsider offering a their companyDont assume your employees Tuition Assistanceknow what is expected of them!mission makes them feel moreProgram! According to Gallup, only 60% motivated andof employees know what is engaged, andIt will give you a 129%expected of them at work.64% say itreturn on your investment by increasing employee is one of theretention and growing theirIn order to grow an main reasonsknowledge and skills. It's alsoorganization, you have they stay ina tax-free benefit for themto grow the people. their job!and a business deduction for you, so it may not be asUnfortunately, 58% of expensive as you think! organizations focus on processes and paperwork instead. Avoid having to fillWorking to that job again bygrow revenue?Metrics matter! Include your employees onboarding better! Start fromin establishing Organizations with a stronginside! performance metrics.onboarding process improveCompanies with aThey will be 55% less new hire retention by 82% andstrong culture generatelikely to experience productivity by over 70%. up to 5x more revenue. burnout.Sources: Sapling, Access Perks, Medium, Lead Change, Glassdoor, 15Five, Gallup, Culture Amp, LinkedIn Talent Solutions71"