b'2 years ago, Michelle was a candidate at Spirit and took the OSTI. She came back with a solid recom-mendation to hire, so the GM and GSM brought her in to interview to see if Michelle was a good fit.After the interview, the GSM was sold, but the GM felt that Michelle wasn\'t a good fit because she was quiet. She wanted to hire someone like her-self.a bold, a little flashy, traditional seller. They were looking for a new business "hunter" account executive,someonewhowasreadytodevelop newbusiness.Astheydevelopedthejobspec sheet,theywantedsomeonewithhighAchiev-er,Accelerator,andaProblemSolver.Michelle was a perfect match for these "must-have" talent themes.The GSM and GM discussed Michelle\'s strengths, weaknesses, and how she fit not only the culture but also the job she would be doing. They went back-n-forth, and the GSM leaned on her experi-ence of using talent as the predictor of future suc-cess using the OSTI. After nearly an hour, the GM was tired of fighting and said that they could hire Michelle, but her success or failure would fall on the GSM.Two years later, they are thrilled that they hired Michelle. She has become a sales rock star!Within 4 months, she was billing 153% of her bud- tematic, logical, and persistent. She loves learning get and decided to leave the safety of her guaran- aboutcustomer\'sneeds,challenges,andgoals, tee for the promise of living off her commissions.and then working with them to find a solution that Michelleisnotflashy.Sheisnotsomeonewhowill help them.loves to perform on stage like I do and she\'s notSo, how\'s she doing today? She finished the 4th even super-talkative. She\'s not what we tradition- quarter at 146% over budget. Not bad for some-ally think of a salesperson, but don\'t tell her that.one they almost didn\'t hire because she didn\'t fit She is one of the best salespeople that I\'ve workedTHEIR idea of the traditional salesperson person-with in 20+ years. She is smart, methodical, sys- ality type. Trey MorrisSenior Consultant The Center for Sales Strategy51'