b'The Results The FeedbackThis leader set a few specific goals for himself,This manager successfully practiced the principles one of which was to improve his survey scoresof strength management; he was highly intention-in the talent of Caring. After a few months ofal, and he focused his time specifically on his areas consistently focusing on his strategies, the finalof greatest potential. It clearly paid off with his di-survey showed a dramatic increase in the over- rect reports, but beyond strengthening those rela-all Caring theme score.tionships and boosting their performance, he also Related to another goal he set for himself, thisnoticed a profound effect on his peers. He found manager developed a keen awareness of his re- he garnered greater respect from other leaders in sponse to a variety of situations and, in turn, ini- the building and also improved relationships with tiated steps to improve relationships, increasehis coworkers.employeeengagement,reduceturnover,andIn the end, this manager expressed, With CSS, you develop his talents for future growth. are developing relationships with some incredibly Sellerperformancegreatlyimproved.Heex- talentedpeoplewhoarehigh-endsalestraining plained,MoreAccountExecutivesbeganprofessionals and ones that care. When you pick up meeting their budgetary goals, and seeing con- the phone for a coaching session, expect questions tinued results with managing the sales process,on how your family is doing, or follow up on a killer improved accountability, and increased bond- sales call with one of your reps you talked about, or ing and fun. checking in on your quarterly goals youve shared. It makes the program and training more relatable Relationshipsandinteractionsbetweenco- and, in my opinion, a very high chance for success.workers on his team have also improved, and employee engagement has increased.He went on to share, No doubt this program takes time, dedication, and high attention to detailbut This manager summed it up by saying, The jour- if youre serious about advancing your career and ney has led to deeper relationships with my Ac- skill set as a manager, I highly recommend CSS and count Executives and higher performance metrics.the Talent Insight Executive Coaching program.Only time will tell exactly how much we can do to-gether, but Im excited to see what it will bring!Emily EtseyVP/Senior Consultant The Center for Sales Strategy104'