b'Online Sales Talent Interview (OSTI) Composite Graph Date: August 8, 2019Star Sales Performers - Top 66 AEs 2017-2109Overall Composite Score 43.6 (cutoff 39.8)Top Performers MeanContrast Performers Mean1009080706050403020100Drives & Values Work Style People Acumen Influence Thought ProcessAchiever Achiever Competition ompetition C Responsibility Responsibility ork Ethic W Work Ethic Discipline iscipline D Positivity Positivity Relationship Relationship Individualizer Individualizer ctivator A Activator Accelerator Accelerator Learner Learner Problem Solver Problem SolverAll three play an important role in selection, butfrom this company: talent is an essential ingredi-in study after study, we continue to see proof thatent in the selection process. talent is the essential component. One more thought on this. While Talent is the es-Back to the Fortune 1000 story. Out of the hun- sentialingredientforselection,youneedmore dreds of salespeople this company has, they se- than that for performance. You need to be sure lected their top 66, their strongest performers forthe talent fits the job to be done and you need to this three-year period. They found that these 66invest in the person. We use a formula to unpack STAR performers have significantly more sales tal- this concept. We call it our Growth Formula: ent than salespeople as a whole. They were 56%(Talent + Fit) x Investment = Growthabove the Struggler line on our talent graph and roughly 10% above the cutoff we use to recom- Selecttoptalentthatfitsthejobandinvestin mendcandidates!Donttakeitfromus,takeitthem and watch the growth!John HenleyManaging Partner The Center for Sales Strategy49'