b'TCHEEN TCEERN FTOERRFSOARLE SSA SLTERS ASTTERGAYT EBGLOY GHow to Hire a Great Sales Hunterby Beth SunshineS imple life lesson: One of the best ways to findquestion! So good, in fact, I thought Id share my exactly what you need is to know exactly whatresponse with you.youre looking for.When we studied the very best new business devel-Weregularlyworkwithhiringmanagersandre- opers out there, we found 6 specific behaviors that cruiters to clearly define the role they are workingthe great sales hunters had in common. When hiring to fill so they know exactly what they need for su- a hunter, keep your eyes peeled for these behaviors. perstarperformance.ThismorningIreceivedanWithpractice,youwillbecomebetteratspotting email from a sales manager asking which talents hethem and it wont be long before you can easily tell should look for to hire a strong sales hunter. Greatthe difference between the real thing and a wannabe.57'