b'sibility to the person who is best equipped to doWrite down your team\'s top two or three strengths the job. Theyre good at assigning accounts to theandspendtimethinkingaboutthestrengthsof right salespeople by thinking about the talents nec- eachpersonyoumanage.Keepthatlistnearby, essary for success. and when you are assigning accounts, projects, and tasks, give the work to the people who are best Aligning talent to task allows them to run a moresuited for the job. productive department and develop the strengths of their people. This is a difficult task for many, but3. Let GoTeach and Coachtherearetipsandtricksthatmakeiteasierand more effective. Get out of the office and coach people more.Whenyoutryanddoalltheworkyourself,you How to Improve Yourspend too much time behind your desk, and not enough time in the field coaching people. Commit Delegation Strategy to a certain amount of time in the field each week Whether youre a sales manager, team leader, orand block off time on your calendar. Youll realize entrepreneur,delegationisamajorkeytomaxi- thatthingsactuallygetdoneintheoffice,even mizing productivity and keeping yourself organizedwhen you are not there.through tight deadlines or large workloads. Delegating isnt easy, and the process isnt always Here are 3 tips on how to implement a delegationclear or perfect. But when you commit to the time strategy to improve sales performance. it takes initially to hand off tasks; you\'ll find that it saves infinitely more time in the long run. Plus, 1. Establish Your Priorities you\'ll develop a stronger team as a result.Whether you use the ABC Method of setting pri-orities or find other ways that work best for your"The best executive is the one to-do list; establish a firm system that helps youwho has sense enough to pick delegate tasks efficiently. good men (and women) to do Look over your checklist each week and force your-self to delegate the bottom 3-5 things on your list. what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from 2. Know Your Teams Strengths meddling with them while they Dont give work to the person who is available. do it." Instead, assign work to the person who has the tal-ent for the task. The first person you see may not- Theodore Rooseveltalways be the best person for the job.Mindy MurphySenior Talent Analyst The Center for Sales Strategy85'