b'SELECTION C A SE STUDYAn Example of What Happens When You Hire Someone with TalentI had a really bad habit as a sales manager. I likedThe reason that is a problem is that I often passed to hire salespeople just like me. That is not a badoverquiet,intellectual,andbrilliantcandidates. plan, as I was a pretty good seller (just ask me, I\'llToday, I would never do that because I\'ve found tell you all about it). that the Online Sales Talent Interview (OSTI) goes Nevertheless, that pigeonholed me into hiring away beyond personality and delivers true, natural certain type of account executive. I\'m loud, a lit- sales talent.tle unconventional, a bit of a "performer" and of- So, let me tell you about Michelle Angell. Michelle ten opinionated. I was looking for people that fitis an account executive at Spirit 105.3 in Seattle, a similar style.kinda the stereotypical "salesper- and she is a rock star, but she almost didn\'t get son" personality.a chance to become the new business leader be-cause she isn\'t the "traditional sales-y" rep. About 50'