b"Feedback for Various Types ofinitiate a fresh start to success, but it needs to be Sales Performancebased on what they are good at in order to succeed. High Performers Effective Feedback TechniquesThey are all too often left totally alone. Let themHere are some effective feedback techniques to use hear your wildest dreams of what you believe theywhen you are providing feedback to your sales team: are capable of. Paint a picture based on what theyIt must be frequent to be real.do so well. Let them know exactly what you admire about them, enable them to do more of it. Put aFilteryourthoughtstotheirtalentsand challenge in front of them, give an incentive whenstrengths, not their weaknesses.they achieve it and lots of praise and recognition.Make it functional. You want specific behaviors Theseareyourthoroughbreds,andtheylovetothat make your team successful, so highlight the win, get better, and win some more. We should allbehaviors that you want more of. spend more time here. Keep it positive. You gain a lot more productivity Mediocre Performers by highlighting the positive attributes that you want more of. Iftheirperformanceishitandmiss,clearlytellIs there a big challenge that you need to achieve them what you see in them when they are winning.coming up? Use feedback to provide a jumpstart Help them develop a plan focused on what they dofor important initiatives. the best. If you hit on the right evaluation, they will gladly give you more of it. Few people are mastersMake it specific. The more precise the message, of everything. The average performers can becomethe better the feedback works. great just by cutting out the things they arent goodBe consistent. Employees crave consistency. De-at doing and focusing on what they do well. By thevelop a routine to celebrate behaviors, have pri-way, this works for everyone.vate conversations, send an email, or whatever Low Performers fits you best. Just pick something you can stick to.Besincere.Letsfaceit.Wecansmellhype If you are keeping them, they must have some realorfakenewsinaninstant.Socanyourpeo-potential. What is it? Do they know why you hiredple.Iftheysenseyoudontbelievewhat them? Tell them what you believe their potential isyouaresaying,youcouldbedestructive. based on what you see in their performance. What is it that you see in them that makes you keep them?Feedback is a vital source to fueling your team, no Maybe a good question here would be what domatter what type of sales performance they are cur-you wish you could do less of and decide whetherrently delivering. Don't miss an opportunity to im-you can do without it or work-around it. Sometimes,prove your team's sales performance, at any level, people who arent achieving will spend more timewith effective feedback by using these techniques. looking busy than being busy. Healthy feedback can Craig JonesSenior Consultant The Center for Sales Strategy87"