b'Figure Out What You Are Looking Fordidate has worked are good sources. You may (15 minutes) know some of them, or discover you do when use your LinkedIn connections.Sounds obvious, right? Youd be amazed at howManagers who have left the company where managers skip this step. How can you make thethe person was employed are good sources.right hire if you dont know what you are looking for?WerecommendaJobAnalysiswhereyouThe sanitized list of references your candidate think through all the variables in this particular jobprovided.Ofcourse,theyareboundtosay opening. What kinds of accounts will this persongood things, but if you ask specific questions be calling on? How sophisticated or complex arethat get to important issues you want to know they?Howmuchnewbusinesswillberequiredmore about, youll get more useful data. Tell in this role? What compensation do have for thisme about some of the best ideas Jane brought job? After you spend a few minutes thinking aboutto you will net a lot more useful information the opening you can do a Spec Sheet outlining thethan Do you think Jane is reliable? If you must talents you absolutely need for this job, the typeask that latter question, then follow it up with and extent of experience required, and the skillsanother, like Tell me why you say that?they must have on day one. This is a good start. Fit Interview (30 minutes) Screen Your Candidates Up FrontSo, here is where you finally get to do that tra-Using A Validated Talent Instrumentditionalface-to-faceinterview.Askplentyof (10 minutes) open-ended questions and LISTEN. People will tell you who they are. If you need a good measure of Your talent instrument must do two things: new business development in the job you are fill-ing, ask about their work in this area. How do they 1.Giveyouapictureofhowyourcandidatesfind prospects? What methods do they use to get stack up against the top performers in the B2Bin front of them? What helps them continue the sales environment. This is a not a personalityconversation? How much new business have they test. closed?2.Make it easy for you to get a read on your can- The question for you is, do you feel good about didatestalentsbeforeyouinvesttimewithwhatyouarehearing?Dotheyseemlikethey them. You dont have time to spend interview- would fit with the job and your current team? Do ingcandidateswhodonthavetherequisiteyou like the person?talents to do your job!Interview in person lat-er when you know they have the raw material. Review Samples of Their Work (15 Check References (15 minutes) minutes)Yes, do it earlier, not later. This is a huge mistakeLets see, if you were hiring a decorator for the managers make, leaving this step to the end whenoffice, a kitchen remodeler for your home, or even they are already emotionally invested in the candi- anaccountingfirmyouwoulddefinitelyaskfor date. This often results in a weak effort. photographs, samples of their work, or evidence that they can deliver on the claims they are mak-So, how can you check references in todays envi- ing during the interview. So, why would you not ronment where litigation is looming at every turn? ask for samples of the work your candidate has produced? Sample proposals, billing records, cam-Currentcustomersyouknowthatalsoworkpaignstheyhaveproducedfortheirclients,or with your candidate are good sources. other examples of past accomplishments they will Coworkersfromcompanieswhereyourcan- hopefully be able to produce for you are just a few 61'