b'T O PDevelopment Trends10 for 20201.People Analytics, connecting data to decision making, will provide meaningful insight and impact company performance at every level in the near future. Sophisticated organizations have been us-ing people analytics to drive powerful innovations for a few years now, but the benefits are clear enough to inspire even small companies to hop on board. The latest research shows that 73% of talent professionals say people analytics will be a major priority for their company over the next five years.2.Companies will enter a new chapter in age diversity driven by the fact that people are living lon-ger and Generation Z (age 23 and younger) is hitting the job market. Having a multigenerational workforce, from Gen Z to Baby Boomers and beyond, will prove that good talent is ageless, and the best companies will capitalize on this trend by working to understand how teams with a wide variety of life experiences and perspectives can be most successful.3.Audio will grow as a learning medium; podcasts and audiobooks are everywhere. The implication is that, as people listen more in new ways, listening will become an even more important and valuable skill. Finding time and ways to support improved listening habits will pay dividends in far more than communication, relationship improvement and conflict reduction, but also in learning.4.Companies will commit to an engaging onboarding experience, recognizing that recruiting shouldnt end with a signed offer letter. Retention-minded leaders will drive an organizational mindset of recruiting not just star recruits, but star employees, and in order to do that, they will learn to seamlessly transition from an engaging candidate experience to an equally engaging on-boarding experience, setting up new hires for short-term and long-term success. 5.Work places will continue to change. Unless people are physically building or making something together, the shift to remote work and flexible work schedules will continue to proliferate. The best leaders will be those who can lead remotely and organizations will consider that when hiring future leaders.6.Chunked learning will be more apparent in both online and offline training, breaking information into many, shorter segments so the learner is never focused on one segment for more than 5 to 10 minutes. Spaced Learning will also become more prevalent, providing a 10-minute segment in between each chunked learning topic to engage the learner.72'