b'SALES SUPERSTAR STUDY 2020Five-Year Sales Superstar Study by Mindy MurphyH iring, developing, and retaining top talent isEach year the Talent Team conducts a study to bet-critical to the success of your organization,ter understand how our clients are finding sales su-butfindingtoptalentcanbechallenging.perstars. Several years ago, we began asking lead-According to a recent study, 69% of U.S. companiesers who had hired sales superstars, how they found report talent shortages, which means finding talentthese talented performers. Our goal was to identify has rarely been more difficult. Thats why its evenrecruitment trends and uncover the most common more important now than ever before to create aways managers are finding superstars, and now for recruitment strategy, make time for recruiting, andthe first time ever, we have compiled all the data look for talent in different ways. Our ongoing Salesfromthepastfiveyearsintoonecomprehensive Superstars Study can help you determine where youstudy.should look for top talent.Here are the top 5 ways managersFinding Sales Superstarsfound superstar talent:4 % 2 %4 % Referrals4 % LinkedIn6 % 32 % AppliedCompetition6 % Internal HireAdvertisingRecruiter8 % Job PostingIntern ProgramNetworking8 % 16 % Local College10 %The top two talent sources on the listreferrals and LinkedInhave consistently been the most common ways our clients have found superstars over the past five years. When building your recruitment strategy,www.TheCenterforSalesStrategy.com. you might consider creating specific goals for asking for referrals and using LinkedIn.Finding Sales Superstars Data Chart-B2B.22'