b'Support your team! Show interest in what ev-ery person is working on. Ask great questions and really LISTEN to what they are sharing with you. Those who feel supported are 70% less likely to experience burnout.Realitychecks!Areyouprovidingrealistic timelinesandexpectationsofpeople?Think about reevaluating your priorities. What needs tohappennowandwhatcanwait?Itcould be natural for those on your team to want to pleaseyouandsuggesttimeframesthatyou know are not realistic. Dont accept those if you know there could be a time crunchtake time to breakdown projects into bite-sized chunks. Show empathy and discuss deadlines that give breathing room.Recognition! Dont assume that people know theywowedyou!Taketimetotellthemso. Think about how you will frame compliments with others. Does saying good job today do the trick?Good job doing what? Be specific and let others know you noticed them. That goes a long way.Add levity! Has work become a grind? Create fun ways for people to look forward to Monday. Find ways to focus on happiness. Schedule time for employees to get up and move. Movement has been shown to increase creativity and re-vitalize people. Think how much more will be accomplished with a little movement and fun.Dont let burnout be the reason people leave your team. Take time to evaluate your people to see if they are really engaged with you, their roles, and the company. Great employees are hard to find. Keeping them is worth your time and energy. Deborah FulghumSr. Talent Analyst The Center for Sales Strategy116'