b'The best way to improve performance in any com- 2. Get the right people involved in that pany is to ensure that every single hire you makeprocess.moving forward has the right talent and fit for ex-cellence in the role. That means youre going to beSome company leaders are natural recruiters, and turningawayalotofcandidateswhoarenttheothers are not. Make sure to identify those in your right match for what you need right now. Its timecompanywhoaregoodatbuildingrapportand to put a plan in place, so they walk away with re- spotting talent in candidates. Allow them to spear-spect for your company.head the processeven if theyre not necessarily the hiring managers.5 Ways to Create a Positive Also, consider creating a culture ambassador group Candidate Experience consisting of employees from every level of the com-pany(notmanagement).Theseambassadorscan 1. Build a strong process for screening,meet your job candidates in the parking lot or at the interviewing, and selecting candidatesfront door to welcome them and make a positive im-pressioneven with those who are not hired. and use it consistently.While your ambassador escorts people to the in-Start with a strong talent assessment that can accu- terviews, they can make a few introductions, give rately predict success in the specific job you are fill- a brief tour, and answer questions. Youll find that, ing. The best instruments are job-specific and mea- becausetheygettoknowyourcandidatesina sure talent intensity, so they can tell you whethermore relaxed environment, theyll have valuable in-your candidate has the right stuff for excellencesight into their personality and character to share in the jobeven if theyve never done it before! with those making the selection decisions. And by Thenbuildalistofquestionsthatwillhelpyouthe time your candidate arrives at their interview, better understand the behaviors you are likely tothey should be comfortable and ready to show you manage in the job. These questions should be expe- their best.riential, asking about how your candidate typically3. Create a powerful Employee Value thinks, feels, and responds to specific situations.Proposition (EVP).Finally, come up with a handful of culture-fit ques-tions that will help you to determine whether yourAn Employee Value Proposition is the magnet you candidate shares the same core values as your com- can use to attract top talent that will be a good pany. The larger the gap between their core valuesmatch for your company. In other words, its the and yours, the more difficult it will be for them tostuff that you offer that makes working for you feel have success over time.good to your employees. For example, if your company has a core value ofDo you offer pet insurance, provide employees with innovation, youll want to have a few questionstime off to volunteer, or invite families to an annual on hand that will help you understand how innova- company event? If so, those things need to be wo-tive your candidate naturally is and how much theyven into your EVP so you can connect emotionally crave change and improvement in general. with those who would be a good fit for you.For the best results, follow the same process andMake sure your EVP (like everything else you talk use the same questions with every job candidate soabout) is accurate. A strong candidate experience you can truly compare apples to apples. involves providing your candidates with transpar-encyso they can learn about who you really are as a company and trust you enough to share who they really are as a candidate.39'