b'TCHEEN TCEERN FTOERRFSOARLE SSA SLTERS ASTTERGAYT EBGLOY GEliminate Hiring Mistakes by Evaluating These 8 Fit Factorsby Kurt SimaW orld-class managers understand this es- 8 Fit Factors to Evaluate sential element of hiring salespeople: tal-ent is meaningless without FIT! During the Hiring ProcessAs a hiring manager, considering fit as carefully as1. Manager (thats you)talent is critical to a successful hire. Unfortunate-ly, some managers discover fit problems after theyThemanageristhemostimportantvariablein hire a seller. Avoid this problem by evaluating thesewhethertheprospectivehirewillbeagoodfit. eight fit factors during the hiring process. Managershaveuniqueneeds,expectations, strengths, non-strengths, hot buttons, tolerances, and styles of interaction. Each of these can impact the productivity and growth of your new hire. Know your own fit factors and be ready to invest in the relationship.64'