b"Different people shine in different environments. Interview Guide Questions:Manytimes,companiesendupwithqualifiedTell me about a time that you disagreed with employees who just dont fit with the companysthe majority viewpoint at work? What was the values and mission. This leads to disengagement,outcome?turnover, and ultimately affects your clients. Describeamajorchangethatoccurredina job that you held. How did you adapt to this Build a Positive Companychange?CultureHow do you know when its time for a change, what criteria do you use?HerearesometipstohelpyouselecttalentedAddingelementsofcultureintoyourinterview people who will also make a positive impact onprocess helps you get a sense of what your can-your company culture: didate is all about and if they will fit and enhance Considerwhatbehaviorsyourelookingforyour company culture. Highly engaged employees and ask questions that will help determine thatgrowrevenue2.5timesasmuchasthosewho alignment. aren't! Reducing regrettable turnover starts with hiring and retaining top talent who are highly en-Writeonequestionthatalignswitheachofgaged with your company culture.those behaviors so you can probe for it during an interview. If you have 5 behaviors listed, you should write 5 questions.Make sure everyone conducting interviews in your organization is asking these types of ques-tions, so you are all working together to find the right candidates who fit in with your com-pany culture.Here are some examples:Behaviors were looking for:Drives original thinkingIs comfortable with chaos and uncertaintySenses the need for purposeful change that is in alignment with their role, circle, and compa-ny purposeAlysa HinshawSenior Consultant The Center for Sales Strategy113"