b'if you hire a highly talented person, if they are theDevelopment wrong match for your product, management style, culture, or product, they will never reach their fullThis section will kick-off with a Jon Gordon article potential. This part of the equation tells us that youfocusedonPurpose-DrivenGoals.Keepturning havetorecruitheavilyandthenselectcarefully,the pages and get the tips you need to increase ensuring you get both the Talent and the Fit right. productivity and performance on your team. Here Moving on to the Investment piece of the equation,well also share insight on how to provide effective we reach the great multiplier. This is where yourfeedback that leads to increased performance and work as a manager pays off! When someone hashelp you to reduce turnover on your team.the right Talent and Fit, you can invest in them inRetentiontwo different ways. First, you can train, coach, and develop them to maximize their strengths and growThis last section will reveal how you can improve by as much as ten times! You can also pay attentionyourcompanyculture,increaseemployee toEmployeeEngagement,whichisanemotionalengagement, and prevent burnout on your team. commitmentandwillingnesstogiveyourbestYou will learn from one company that focused on at work. When employees are not engaged, theytheir people and grew the bottom line and another wont fully activate their talents or reach their fullthat invested in a sales manager and changed his potential. When you focus on both developmententire career. Finally, you will have the opportunity and engagement, you amplify your investment. to think about how to take your group from Team Get this formula right by recruiting and selectingto Tribe.for talent and fit and then investing in your peopleBy the time you read this, you will be working to consistently(evenyourveterans!),andyouwillrebound from the aftermath of the pandemic, and achieve growth in your people. When the peoplewe believe that the Growth Formula will serve as grow, the organization grows.your road map.We built this years Turning Talent into PerformanceLet us know how we can support you along the magazine in a way that will allow you to master theway!Pleasereachouttoourteamofcertified Growth Formula. Talent Analysts anytime you need us at interview@csscenter.com. Recruitment Dig into these pages to see the results of our latest sourcing study and discover the secret to finding your next sales superstar. Learn how to recruit sales superstarsusinganEmployeeValuePropositionBeth Sunshine (EVP) and learn how to create raving fans out ofPartner, VP Talent Services the candidates you dont hire.The Center for Sales StrategySelectionSpend time here to learn how the most successful companies select the right people to achieve top-levelsuccessandhearfromanexperthowto effectively evaluate fit and eliminate future hiring mistakes.Here you will also find out exactly how to hire your next sales hunter. 5'