b'6 Groups of Behaviors Youtaking the initiative to move things forward - and they can be very persuasive along the way. These Want to Seek When Hiringsalespeople create strong buy-in and move clients a Strong New Businessto solutions faster than most. If your sales candi-date has this talent, you might notice them selling Developer: themselves to you! 1. The best hunters are self-motivatedPro Tip: If you are using the Online Sales Talent In-and driven to be the best in everythingterview, these behaviors are measured in the Acti-vator theme.they do.They consistently push themselves to be top per- 4. Reading situations well and formers and achieve quantifiable results, keepingremoving obstacles, these sales hunters scores against their own performance and alwaysnaturally pick up on buying signals and pushingformore.Youmightnoticeacandidate with talent in this area will talk a lot about their ac- effortlessly move the client to the close.complishments and crave recognition and rewardThe best of the bunch wont sell something they for their success. In the spirit of striving for more indontbelievewillwork,though.Thegreatones everything they do, money can often be a powerfulhave high standards and focus on creating a win-motivator for them. Most will express a philosophywin situation that allows them to win the sale while of go big or go home.the client gets big results. If your candidate has a ProTip:IfyouareusingtheOnlineSalesTalentgreat deal of talent in this area, they will move you Interview,thesebehaviorsaremeasuredintheforward, asking who the final decision makers will Achiever theme. beandyourtimeline.Dontbesurprisedifthey close you and ask for the job.2. Strong enterprisers often describePro Tip: If you are using the Online Sales Talent In-themselves as extremely competitive,terview, these behaviors are measured in the Accel-seeing every opportunity in their dayerator theme. as another chance to win. 5. Upbeat and full of energy, these During the interview process, you may notice theyhunters easily get their prospects and hate to lose even more than they love to win, butclients excited about their ideas and there will be no doubt that it is always important to them to be the best, win the race, and close thegive them confidence in the solutions sale. Their endless appetite for growth drives themthey offer.to prospect more often and push for larger sales. Pro Tip: If you are using the Online Sales Talent In- They are also optimistic, understanding that even terview, these behaviors are measured in the Com- after a tough day of hunting filled with rejection, to-petition theme.morrow will be a better day. These are typically the candidates we fall in love with. They have passion and enthusiasm, often lighting up the room during 3. Great new business developers havethe interview. a certain amount of confidence andPro Tip: If you are using the Online Sales Talent In-swagger about them. terview, these behaviors are measured in the Posi-tivity theme. They are focused on making things happen, often 58'