b'TCHEEN TCEERN TFEORRFSOARLE SSA SLTERS ASTTERGAYT EBGLYOGTake Your Group from Team to Tribeby Beth SunshineS pend time studying the most successful com- Think about any group of people you feel connected panies with the strongest cultures and you willto people from your country, your state, or your find they have clearly-defined values and theycity. People from your college, your neighborhood, navigate their way with a strong sense of purposeor your work. What bands your group together and and cause. Employees who work at these compa- makes you feel as though you belong?nies can clearly articulate their values and they be- In many cases, its a shared custom or tradition like lieve they can be themselves at work because theywhen a religious group celebrates a sacred holiday truly belong. orwhenastudentbodysingstheirschoolfight How important is it for employees to feel like theysong. These shared rituals create a sense of secu-belong? Critical! From the beginning of time, sci- rity, making people feel like they are part of some-ence has shown that human beings are tribalistic inthing bigger than just themselves. It helps people in nature. We naturally band together as a group forthe group define who they are and what they be-a sense of safety and belonging and in many ways,lieve in and value, and when they know that, they the company is the modern-day tribe. are able to make better decisions that keep them on track. 118'