b'Thetruthisnumbersandgoalsdon\'tdrivepeo- either quit or go through the motions like one of ple. People with a purpose drive the numbers andthe walking dead.achieve goals. Research clearly shows that true mo-tivation is driven by meaning and purpose ratherThis doesnt mean you shouldn\'t measure numbers than extrinsic rewards, numbers and goals. or have goals. It\'s okay to have a goal you want to achieve but once you identify a goal or outcome A study of West Point alumni showed that thoseyou will be more powerful and energized if you fo-who had intrinsic goals, "I want to serve my countrycus on your purpose. Your greater purpose will lead and make a difference," outperformed those withto greater performance!extrinsic goals, "I want to rise in the ranks and be-come an officer because it\'s prestigious." Purpose driven goals sell more milk, win more foot-ball games, enhance performance and lead to out-Goals may motivate you in the short term but theycomes that far surpass your numbered goals. will not sustain you over time. Without a good rea-son to keep moving forward during challenges you Jon GordonBest Selling Author and Keynote Speaker The Jon Gordon Companies83'