b'STRAIGHT FROM THE EXPERTSAntidote for Rising Labor Costs - Employee Onboardingby Sandra St. Fleur - permission received to reprintR ecruiting for a large pharmaceutical company,moving across the country to Boston. The pharma-an executive search firm recommends Jessicaceutical company offers Jessica a robust compensa-McIntosh as an ideal candidate for a leader- tion package that includes an above-market salary, ship role in their IT departmenta position that thegenerous benefits, a bonus incentive plan, as well company had been trying to fill for a while. Afteras a full relocation.some initial vetting, the pharmaceutical companyOn the first day at the pharmaceutical company, flies Jessica to its headquarters for a week of in-per- Jessicaattendstheorganizationsnewemployee soninterviews,absorbingthehotel,flight,andorientation, and Jessica leaves feeling inspired and transportationcostsassociatedwiththerecruit- full of questions. Bright and early on the second ment process. Impressed by her energy and expe- day, Jessica arrives in her department, only to learn rience, the pharmaceutical company offers Jessicathat her new boss forgot to tell her that she is at theposition,whichsheexcitedlyacceptsevena conference all week and no one in the depart-though it means leaving her native Los Angeles andment seems to be responsible for orienting her to 30'