b'4. Connect with each person. agers to make sure we are coaching them to grow We spend 50% or more of our waking hours withthem. Be honest, be authentic always.our team. Get to know what is important to them (kids,parents,pets,hobbies)haveaconnectionWhy is it important for there to be with the person not just the employee.trust on the team? How do you and the managers build that? We find that great leaders share their purpose and vision well. How have youEvery relationship is built on trustright? The man-agers know I have their back and I believe in them been able to do this? and will do whatever I can to make a situation right.Im very transparent. Our purpose is driving clientI will do everything in my power. I feel as though results. Our vision is making or exceeding our goals.I put my money where my mouth is. I do feel like When our clients win, we win. This is a consistentI am transparent AND authentic. Saying you have message to the team. someones back is one thing, standing up for them shows it, but having conversations and offering on-going feedback is a must, always!How do you or your managers grow and develop your people? Tell me the difference between the Talent: culture and morale of the team today Hiring A players is key. We prefer to hire peopleand 3 years ago.with a hunter mentality and the drive to learn andPeople strategy:win. This means we need to train them on our prod-ucts and processes and give them time to learn. IfWe have the right people in the right positions, and the talent is there, we can teach the rest. My LSMswe continue to refine both as our needs change are dialed in and are often on the road, client-facingand continue to raise the bar on hiring, training, to make sure their team is performing at a top level.andgoalsetting.Oursalesmanagers,support There is no better way to see opportunities or con- team, and AEs know their WHY. We treat people cerns than when an AE is client-facing. Our manag- with respect and feel it is our responsibility to help ers make sure they have a conversation about thethem grow and learn and they all know we are in call: the good, the bad and the indifferent. We con- this together. People know they are appreciated.tinually want to improve, and feedback is critical toRetention:that process. The managers are authentic and walk the walk. When your sales manager is making coldWe have a low turnover on our team. The reason calls with you, you know they are doing all they canis the entire management team are all actively in-to help you succeed!volved in the successes of the team. The managers Growth: have laid out clear goals, held their team account-able and are actively involved in growing and devel-I feel it is our personal responsibility as managers tooping our people. help them grow. Its our responsibility to challengeRecognition:them to grow. Our managers know what each per-sons goals and aspirations are and we do our bestWe recognize good work and celebrate wins! And if to help them get there. it is a huge win then we have saber champagne. Radical Candor: Think saber knife toping a bottle of champagne. Also, dont be afraid to have the tough conversa-tions. This is critical. Its our responsibility as man-107'