b"4. Treat every candidate like aTheir talents may not be the right fit for what you prospective new customer. need in the role right now, but they may be perfect for a job somewhere else. Consider sending those Companies that create top-notch candidate expe- you dont hire right away with a report like the Top riences share a simple philosophy: make the candi- Talent Report that will give them some insight into date love usno matter how much we decide wetheir unique strengths and potentially help them dont like them.find the right job for them.If your job candidate is willing to give you their time,Set your standards high and only bring those on answer your questions, and let you probe into theirboard who will add to your talent level and your background, the least you can do is treat them withculture. And while you are doing that, send those the utmost respect during your time together. Be- away who dont match what you need with lots of have with them in the same way you would behavegood things to say about your operation!with a top customerbecause one day, they may be just that!5. Send them away with something of value.Finding the perfect job is as difficult for a job-seek-er as finding the perfect employee is for you.If you conduct a talent assessment on your candi-dates, you'll be able to easily determine who has the potential for success in your job and release those who dont from your selection process. That doesntmeanyoushouldsendthemawayemp-ty-handed, though! Beth SunshinePartner, VP Talent Services The Center for Sales Strategy40"