b'Personal FeedbackFeedback is valuable! Studies show that people who regularly receive feedback on their strengths sell 11% more than those who do not. Helping both sales managers and sales-people to better understand and manage their own strengths is key. During the in-depth Personal Feedback session, a trained Analyst will take a deep dive into the strengths of the individual and provide them with solid, actionable strategies to manage themselves and max-imize their own talents. Each person who receives Personal Feedback will receive a written Strength Development Plan.Priority Coaching Strategies To improve performance across the board, you have to understand the unique strengths and weaknesses of each person you manage and commit to the principal coaching strategies that will grow them. We can help you to identify those Priority Coaching Strategies so you use your limited coaching time effectively. Sales Meeting KitsIf youre not careful, your sales meetings will become nothing more than housekeeping meet-ings filled with information that could have been put into an email. Dont pull your people off of the streets for that! We can provide you with a wide variety of Sales Meeting Kits that give you everything you need to use that time instead to improve sales performance. Very little prep time will be necessary for you because weve already done all of the work. Strength Management CoachingThis is one of the best ways to reward and invest in your manager or your current seller who may be a future company leader! This 7-week Leadership Development Program provides participants with a true understanding of how the best strength managers successfully se-lect, develop, and retain their people. Combining Personal Feedback with strength manage-ment coaching, highly interactive sessions with a Talent Analyst and engaging assignments and projects, Strength Management Coaching leaves all certified Strength Managers with a well-stocked toolbox, filled with the essentials they will need to grow as a leader in the orga-nization and also grow others who may report to them in the future. 93'