b'RECRUITMENT C A SE STUDYRecruiting Your Next Digital SellerI n todays media environment, selling digital solu- Each type of digital seller has a slight difference in tions is a requirement for any new seller recruitedthe talents needed for success, for example a Digital intoanorganization.WhilemanyorganizationsSpecialist should have high Problem Solver, Discipline know they need to find salespeople that can exceland Activator themes, but can be successful with with digital, they struggle with recruiting the rightsofter Accelerator because they are typically work-type of talent. Assumptions are made based on ageing with another sales person who can close the deal or experience that lead torecruiting salespeoplevs. an Integrated Seller who would need a stronger who fail to succeed. Accelerator to close the deal, but might be softer in The focus in recruiting should continue to be onDiscipline, especially if they have post-sale support. findingnaturaltalent,andconsideringthetalentThe Job Analysis and Spec Sheet can definitely help needed based on the role that you are trying to fill.to determine which talents you need based on the While the talents of a strong digital seller are almostspecific position that you are looking to fill.identical to the top performers on the Online SalesOnce you know the natural talent you need to re-Talent Interview, managers need to think about thecruit for, ask questions throughout your recruitment variances in the specific role they are looking to fill.process that will help you see signs of those talents. In todays world, most media organizations are look- I recently had the opportunity to speak with a high-ing to recruit one of three types of digital sellers: ly talented and successful Digital Strategist. We dis-Digital only seller cussed her position, what made her successful and how she approaches her role. As you review the Digital specialist who is a subject matter expertquestions asked and answers given, consider how that will assist others in the sale you might incorporate these into your own recruit-Integrated seller who will be expected to sell allment strategy and consider the answers that will platforms. help you spot the needed talent.26'