b"Recommended byJohn Henley You cant be a good manager without being a good coach. Not just coach-ing people but coaching teams. The more talented a person, the less likely they are to follow orders just because you said so. If you are a great man-ager your people will make you a leader. You cant become a good leader until you become a good manager.Developing yourself personally and professionally is a lifelong endeavor. Regardless of the type of stories you choose to read, reading will help you understand others better. Learning the strategies used by some of the world's most successful business leaders is sure to have a positive impact on your career. These books listed are just a few of the many titles out there that will help teach and motivate you through your career.Recommended byRecommended byStephanie Downs Stephanie StollAgreatbookinAdamGrantfocuses u n d e r s t a n d i n gonthefactthathow theimportanceofwe interact with others buildingtrustastheplays a large part in our foundationofthesuccessatwork.This organization.Oncebooktalksaboutthe trust is at a very highideaofreciprocityand levelamongstallhow givers, takers, and team members, achieving company goals ismatchersinteractand easier and more likely to happen. fareintheworkplace. Grantdiscussesand explainshisresearcharoundhowwedealwith Recommended by others and the impact it has on the individual and Mindy Murphythe organization as a whole. It is a great read that touchesontheimportantthemesofleadership, ExcellenceWinsiscollaboration, and culture.aninspirationalbook fromHorstSchulze, co-founder of The Ritz- RecommendedCarlton Hotel Company,by John Henleywho shares his methods on creating a culture ofA great read on the importance excellence. No matter what industry you areofsurroundingyourselfwith in, you will find valuable lessons in this bookidealteamplayersthosewho onsettingemployeesupforsuccessandarehungry,humble,andsmart establishing a service-oriented organization. (smart about people).125"